108: Questions from a Rookie Pastor to a Veteran Pastor: Thinking back: Would you do it all over again?
Adam Cook   -  

In the last episode of our series of questions from a rookie pastor to the veteran pastor, Matt asks Pastor Adam if he could go back, knowing what he knows now, would he do this ministry thing all over again? Get ready for an honest, open, unplanned and off the cuff reflection and answer. There are days where we would not do it all over again. There are days where we would absolutely do it all over again. But, if we are honest, most days areĀ  in the middle somewhere. To answer this, it always helps to go back to what is God-ordained in your life. Pastor Adam wraps the series up with his call-into-ministry about his dad going missing, finding him in the woods paralyzed, and the abrupt voice of God using that to set the course of his life.